DOP Penelope Scroll Deadline

January 15, 2019 all-day
Penelope Scroll
Email only at
Elena Saviolakis, Executive Director

All submissions must be made directly to the above Penelope Scroll email address by the deadline date. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Please identify yourself and your Chapter# and District/District #/Lodge Officer Status in the message line of your email. Also, include the article revision number in the message line in your email. Please review your submissions carefully before sending. However, if you have a correction, it must be sent as an entirely new submission. In other words, please correct your original article and resend as a revision. The most recent submission will be used for the Scroll.
Officers, please encourage Chapters to participate in the Scroll by sending deadline reminders and subscription forms out with your newsletters and mentioning it in your visitations! Sharing activities and events is the BEST way to get out the name of the Daughters of Penelope and to share ideas with other Sisters.
Mark your calendars Sisters! There are two (2) issues of the Scroll planned for this year. The article submission deadlines are: January 15th and May 15th.
In order to get the Scroll posted in a timely manner, all Penelope Scroll deadlines will be “hard deadlines”. All submissions must be made directly to the Penelope Scroll email address by the deadline date. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Article Submission Parameters: All submissions should be sent in Microsoft Word format as an email attachment.
There is a 200 word maximum for article submissions. Please use Arial 12 Font.
There is a 2 picture limit per article submission. Please include captions with your pictures and post captions just below picture. Also, please note that duplicate pictures will not be published. Pictures will be posted on a first come, first served basis.
Hard Copy Subscriptions:
The Penelope Scroll is available free online to all Sisters and the general public, however; we realize that not all of our Sisters have internet access. Therefore, if you wish to purchase a “hard copy” printing of the Scroll, you may do so by completing the online form. The cost is $10 for a year’s subscription consisting of 2 issues. The Penelope Scroll can be accessed free online.

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