Daughters Current and Grand Officers

Charrie Regopoulos – Grand MOA Advisor 


The following Sisters served as Grand Presidents of the Daughters of Penelope


Josie Chase

Ellen Lagos

Toula Dallas

Ann Topougis

Elaine Sampanis


Past Grand Governors

Past Grand President

Maids of Athena

Past Grand Advisor

Maids of Athena

Helen Lambrou

Helen Menegos

Helen Troullos

Debbie Fletcher Urse

Kathryn Tripodis

Tria Charnas

Sia Zois

Joanna Svingos

Helen Troullos


Deceased Grand Lodge Officers

 Toula Dallas  Past Grand President
Ellen Lagos Past Grand President
Christine Johnson Past Grand Secretary
Cleo Laras Past Grand Governor
Kaliope Statheros Past Grand Governor
Angela K Varlas Past Grand Governor
Kaliope Statheros Past Grand MOA Advisor
Helen Comminos Past Grand MOA Advisor